Custom Synthesis
Custom Synthesis Services for Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines and Related Compounds
As our catalogue selection cannot meet all your needs, PorphyChem’s Custom Synthesis services offers a wide range of rare chemicals in connection with our know-how for various fields of applications. Custom synthesis is a specialty of PorphyChem and represents a major part of our activity. PorphyChem is specialized in the custom synthesis of low volume as well as the scale-up of new molecules for the specific needs of industry. Since its inception, PorphyChem has developed new synthetic methods, treatment and purification processes to ensure our customers a short lead time and competitive prices for your fine chemicals. The lack of highly specialized know-how, facilities to carry out syntheses or time saving interests are fundamental economical reasons to cooperate with a skilled company like PorphyChem.

Submission of a Request for Custom Synthesis:
Please send us the structure/chemical name/CAS number of the molecule you are looking for and the requested quantity. Based on literature data and our own experience, our chemists will evaluate the feasibility of your project. We will find the most advantageous synthetic routes to reach your target in the shortest way. Within few days, we will get back to you with a quote including the lead time and purity information.